Have you ever been in a situation where you had to search for an item in your cold room for hours without any luck? Or perhaps you kept two products so close together that one contaminated the other? Or maybe you stored two products that required different storage temperatures in the same compartment and oneContinue Reading
In Nigeria, the demand for perishable foods is on the rise as the country’s population and economy continue to grow and develop. For entrepreneurs looking to tap into this market, building a cold room business can be a lucrative venture. Cold rooms are an essential component of any food and beverage business, providing a safeContinue Reading
5 Things To Consider Before Designing A Cold Room Cold rooms are highly effective in preserving meat, vaccines, vegetables and other items, and they vary in size and cooling rate. Designing cold storage facilities to suit your exact business features and conditions will save you both energy, construction and installation costs. Are you considering buildingContinue Reading
Is frozen food hazardous to my health? Frozen food, also known as TV dinner, has taken over most kitchens these days. However, when it comes to nutritional content, people believe fresh food to be better. But fresh isn’t always the best option—or the most convenient. Since frozen food’s popularity is at an all-time high, itContinue Reading
5 Mistakes Every Frozen Food Business in Nigeria Must Avoid Introduction The Choice Foods was started in 2020 by two brothers who wanted to establish an ice cream parlor but later changed their minds when they realized that there was no market for such products in Ibadan at that time. They then decided to openContinue Reading
If you’re new to the cold storage business, then you probably have a lot of questions or concerns about it. How best can I store different products? What temperature range is adequate for these items? Where should these products be placed in the cold room? How do I work within my budget to ensure IContinue Reading
6 Ways to Effectively Maintain a Cold Room Food processing industries, pharmaceuticals, and supermarkets rely on the efficiency of their cold rooms daily to provide their customers with the best user experience. However, if this equipment experiences a breakdown, they will suffer a drastic decrease in profit due to the interruption in workflow. We cannotContinue Reading
Why are cold rooms so important? Cold rooms are very important because they help to prolong the shelf life of fresh goods. They are also effective in reducing the amount of waste and in lengthening the timeframe for marketing these foods. The primary purpose of a cold storage room is to refrigerate fresh, pre-cooled andContinue Reading
Cold storage rooms are most commonly used for purposes like the storage of raw meat or fish, vegetables even, for long periods of time, for wholesale and retail purposes. See: Is the cold room business profitable in Nigeria? As someone who uses a cold room for storage and business, running into problems is not anContinue Reading
Is the cold room business profitable in Nigeria? A quick Google search on whether the cold room business is profitable in Nigeria reveals a number of things. It shows that not just you, but many people out there are interested in the cold room business, either as a main hustle or a side hustle. MostContinue Reading